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Inflatable Barricade from toolsforaction on Vimeo.
Tools for Action has invented a new type of inflatable blockade in preparation for protest at the 2015 UN
Climate Summit. The inflatable barricades were made in Paris and sent to
different locations around the world.
“Red lines are not for crossing”
A red line is drawn across these inflatable barricades, symbolizing the
demands drawn up by the Coalition 21, a network of 130 civil-society
organisations. The red line entails a drastic and immediate reduction of
greenhouse emissions and a recognition of the historical responsibility
of industrialized countries. It also demands the installation of a
monitoring system with the authority to penalize transgressors, and
sufficient financing from more economically developed countries for a
global transition to clean energy, including compensation for the
suffering and loss that climate change has caused.
The original idea was to form an inflatable blockade in front of the UN
conference in order to strike a mark for the demands of the Coalition
21. But when terrorist attacks struck Paris on November 13th, plans
changed. A state of emergency was declared and the right to protest
suspended for three months, spanning the duration of the UN summit.
In the aftermath of the attacks, Tools for Action sent inflatable
barricade kits to climate-activist groups around the world, in places
such as Portland, New York and London. This tactic addresses the fact
that climate change is a global problem that needs a site-specific
direct response.